The future of the Internet
The translation result is from Google Translate, there may be some errors with the original text.
B Power
is a Github repository
created by Chopin.
B Power
is a project based on the Github repository
. It has been affirmed by professionals and is identified as the next outlet of the Internet, the future, and the truth of the universe. B
is everywhere in our lives, but we often ignore it,The role of this project can help us to obtain its concrete manifestation, B Power
is the source of B Power
, and B Power
contributed by all users is based on this 1024kb file.
How to contribute B Power
to the project?
Create yourgithubname.b
in /B
and submit the changes.
Clone the repository, package it into a compressed package file, change the name to b.b
, and move it to /b
in the root directory of the system (if it nonentity, please create it by yourself).
Concise,as you can see.